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Effexor XR : Relationship Breakdowns

Dr Daniel Rossi

Welcome to EFFEXOR XR – LOVE and Relationships. We hope to save you and your loved one from the pain thousands of users world-wide have experienced. Relationships can be challenging but using Effexor XR takes it to another level. We hope you will find answers you’ve been seeking and can take control of your life again.

The road to a break down may differ for some, however the roadmap to the intense disconnection from a loving partner can go a little something like this:

  1. Loss of Sex Drive – This is the starting point for most couples who break apart due to Effexor. This is a common side effect on Effexor. Why does this create a problem? Intimacy is the difference between other relationships in life and your partner. When a lack of intimacy begins to affect a relationship you no longer feel ”you need your partner” and we see some users blame their relationship and dis-interest in their lover however it is a well known side effect of Effexor XR. Sadly, the emotional wellness of an individual using Effexor is altered greatly and with continued use, lack of real time awareness will occur, This is out of a users control however usually leads to the first effect of intimate disconnection. This will create the pathway to disconnection, regardless of your beliefs about ”what isn’t working this will generally create major problems for both individuals causing confusion, The inability to see a future together over time and causes a spouse extreme emotional distress, rejection, low self esteem and trauma, supporting a partner on Effexor XR is not easy we suggest speaking to a professional to understand how you can avoid burn out, anger, symptoms of depression yourself and paranoia. Effexor can help users appear happier in daily life, which makes the lack of intimacy seem personal or often like a true lack of desire based on the partner. This is usually where turmoil begins and without immediate action we see this spiral downward overtime.
  2. Ongoing disconnection – Without addressing the side effect initially it is inevitable that you and your partner will see further lack of connection and as time passes the side effect has become reality, We see an increase in stress on both sides and commonly internal desires to break away completely as the inability to ”fix” or ”change” the situation for the better begin to emerge. This is the middle section where the lack of intimacy for months or years has eventually spread across other areas of the relationship escalating into real problems, the elephant in the room is that one person is completely present and confused and the person on Effexor is usually certain the relationship is the problem and will start planning their escape, thinking about the things they are seeking elsewhere or in a new partner and will generally give their loving partner less emotional, physical empathy, respect, love and reassurance in this stage as they plan their exit.
  3. Arguments: If your spouse has made it to this stage and is still clinging on, you’ve got a pretty rock solid, selfless partner. To be on the receiving end of the above side effects and emotional blocking with no means to turn it around for their own happiness you can guarantee this partner loves you for you and in 2019 this is a rare find. The arguments can become heated, turn to rage, severe upset, lack of control and depending on how willing this partner was to genuinely support can cause them to act in ways they otherwise would not due to the impacts . This is the break up phase – Failure to recognise and to address the initial problem will lead 90% of Effexor XR users here and with conviction will cut their longterm partner out of their life, we all know prevention is the best cure so if you’ve found us and feel the same or you’ve experienced this yourself please contact your health care provider to discuss options on how you can prevent loosing the love of your life and reconnect or rebuild connection with the one you let go during this time.

The unwritten side effects usually end up in unexpected everlasting pain on both the user of Effexor and the intimate partner unless professionally resolved. Generally the partner supporting the Effexor XR user will experience a lot of emotional distress and panic leading up to the break-up and more-so afterwards. We recommend seeking professional help specifically for a break up like this.

Please note: Using Effexor can curate a false assumption of your relationship happenings over 90% of users confirm this post Effexor XR , Effexor XR alters reality and general overview of what you want in life. We advise any users to seek immediate help to address any intimacy related side effects that you’ve noticed since using Effexor XR, particularly if you are beginning to detach from someone you love, or if you have already left a longterm partner or spouse.

Effexor XR works differently to other anti-depressant drugs, Effexor XR is from the Tramadol family, no other anti-depressant is made this way, Tramadol is a strong painkiller, Tramadol is similar to opioid analgesics and if you or a partner are using Effexor XR – We hope the reasons you’ve been advised to use the most addictive and harmful anti-depressant medication on the market is because you have no other option and are at risk of serious harm to yourself without using Effexor XR.

We suggest you get a true medical diagnosis and to cross check this treatment and ensure it is your only option for treatment going forward.

if you have concerns (See tab above for more side effects, brain damage over time, premature death and more)

Most people are put on Effexor to come off Effexor due to the side effects, 88% of users regret ever using Effexor XR, especially if they’ve managed to push through withdrawals and bravely taper off the drug.

Most will wake up to a new reality, some destruction caused whilst on it but we suggest getting off this drug as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your health, life and relationships.

Don’t be afraid to initiate coming off Effexor XR you can swap your treatment and 80% of people have turned this into a success story and rebuilt their lives. We suggest doing it as soon as possible.

If you’ve recognised even (1) side effect and some early signs of emotional blocking. We suggest you or your partner to push for immediate discontinuation of Effexor XR.

Effexor XR – Can help you feel better day to day, it may be difficult to trust those who care for you as you may feel clear, certain and be functioning better than ever.

Reports from ex users say: ”Its like you have a new found power, you can think without going back and you feel less emotion in most situations to your old self, it is hard to see why you would want to stop using it” .

Hundreds of my patients have explained in great detail how much better life felt and that they didn’t care about the side effects and totally believed they were heading in the right direction, however over time the Effexor XR dosage you start on will need to be increased to sustain that level of functioning.. We understand everything may seem very real and solid on Effexor XR but understand it won’t last because Effexor XR does not treat depression, it removes symptoms only and as the life changes made on Effexor become bigger greater risk of depression can build internally leaving users (2) options – A dose increase or to seek appropriate care to come off Effexor and work on treating the longstanding depression. –

The upside of coming off the drug is much more promising for 80% of people, and time off Effexor will showcase a new and brighter reality again, you can now rebuild your connection to goals, yourself and love as you slowly allow yourself to rebuild the real you, The person you truely are.

I know this sounds harder and as you finally feel stronger on Effexor XR, we can say even outside of relationships it is not a friend you want to keep in your life.

Thousands of EX-USERS who came out the other-side and remember it is not your fault for accepting your prescription, your doctor is responsible for this and luckily you’ve made it to this site to help yourself or someone you love break-free

Partners: If you are a longterm partner of someone using Effexor XR and have concerns, you have shared a similar experience to the above or feel like a breakdown is brewing. We understand this can be baffling and distressing this is and we have some options we suggest taking right away ( beware your partner or ex partner may react negatively to this, but we recommend trying all of the options below to give them the best shot at recovery).

What to do:

  1. Talk to your partner and engage professional help urgently. You should not attempt to handle this alone.
  2. If your partner of over 1+ years has left you and you feel Effexor XR played a role in the breakdown issues leading to the break-up – Express this to your partner and ask if they will consider professional help
  3. If your partner has left and is not reachable. We suggest raising concerns to your ex-partners closest friends who you can trust, their close family and if they have a doctor, therapist they see we recommend calling them to explain the situation from your end.

Effexor Breakups are BREAKDOWNS

Don’t be fooled by the lengthy excuses and ”valid” reasons for the ending of your relationship (If you were lucky to get this)

As soon as Effexor XR is present a breakdown in a relationship is brewing. Effexor takes 88% control of your partners emotional experience with the world. Despite real life problems healthy individuals can be predicted to respond like, Effexor XR controls the thoughts, interactions and emotional blunting in users.

Effexor changes the brain daily, tiny changes to prompt users to loose themselves and usually the first thing to go within 6 months – 2 years of using Effexor is the love for your partner and drastic changes in thoughts about a partner you once adored, made you proud and couldn’t be without.

The lack of control here feels real, The feeling of love is something you will leave to find elsewhere, The lack of desire to have your soulmate in your life sadly decreases 10 x more than it would an average person. Relationships are hard work but sadly on Effexor XR 90% will fail due to the side-effects, emotional control and changes to the brain overtime.

Please see a professional, ask for support for a partner or ex-partner if you are concerned.

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Photo by Nathan Cowley on Pexels.com
Photo by Elina Krima on Pexels.com
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2 thoughts on “HOME

  1. This drug destroyed my ex husband for 3 years, he left for 6 months as I pressed for help and told him it was the drug! He was convinced until he was shaken with guilt, depression and regret (still on effexor when he picked up the phone and called in tears begging for my help. We have managed to come out the other side and stronger and from this built a better connection then we ever had, some people won’t be so lucky but I love him and he was totally worth fighting for, he is so grateful he saved my life and promised to never break my heart again! I love him for for his courage! Stay away from Effexor and stay in love it beats all!


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