Effexor taken off the market

Why was Effexor taken off the market?and was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1993. Effexor has been discontinued from marketing, but Effexor XR is available by prescription. Effexor was discontinued because the newer time-released Effexor XR formula can be taken once daily and causes less nausea than the original formula. Q:Continue reading “Effexor taken off the market”

How does divorce affect teenagers mental health?

During the proceedings, children can feel anguish and heartbreak, which could result in social withdrawal. In some cases, the split could also put children at risk of developing certain mental illnesses. Anxiety – Children from divorced families can feel anxious, tense, and nervous How does divorce affect a teenager?Adolescents may become less involved with school, responsibilities, andContinue reading “How does divorce affect teenagers mental health?”

The Effects of Divorce on Teenagers

As the adolescent attempts to distance himself from his parents, he may act out in other ways: Adolescents often become extremely anger at one or both parents. The result can be abusive behaviour such a shouting and name-calling, or it may take the form of withdrawal from family contact. Often the teen will take theContinue reading “The Effects of Divorce on Teenagers”

6 Signs Your Man Has Low Self-Esteem (+ 5 Ways You Can Help Him)

Support a partner Get expert help dealing with your man. Click here to chat online to someone right now. Not everyone is able to love themselves in the way that they should. Low self-esteem is often the result of abuse, neglect, or mental illness that has not been properly addressed. Not everyone is lucky enough to beContinue reading “6 Signs Your Man Has Low Self-Esteem (+ 5 Ways You Can Help Him)”

Lawsuit Information

Effexor No authors listed Step one is to understand that Effexor XR can be fatal leading to brain damage, skull and brain growth and more severe personal and permanent side effects for individuals. Please review the lawsuits Effexor Lawsuit Information Effexor (venlafaxine) and Effexor XR is an antidepressant medication which is approved only to treatContinue reading “Lawsuit Information”

11 Relationship Traps of Depression 

From by John Folk-Williams  Depression sets relationship traps for both partners. Everything can change quickly between two people, and it’s crucial to be able to spot these changes as soon as possible. Here are 11 signs of the illness that seem perfectly designed to undo the bonds of closeness. Humor, talking and doing things together, sharingContinue reading “11 Relationship Traps of Depression “

What can you do when the person you love, doesn’t love themselves? It can be quite a challenge, but here are some tips to help you provide the words of comfort and support they need

Support a partner If you’ve ever looked in the mirror and disliked the person looking back at you, then you’ve experienced low self-esteem. It isn’t necessarily related to your physical self — although having poor body image can cause negative thoughts — but it’s intrinsically linked to how you value yourself as a person. People withContinue reading “What can you do when the person you love, doesn’t love themselves? It can be quite a challenge, but here are some tips to help you provide the words of comfort and support they need”

When You Love a Man With Low Self-Esteem

– 9 Things to Keep in Mind 1,789,286 VIEWS So you love a guy with low self-esteem. Sucks to be you. I’m saying that as a dude who used to hate himself. Who still kind of does. I know the crap you deal with. He must drive you nuts. I was in a relationship with an angel,Continue reading “When You Love a Man With Low Self-Esteem”


Depression can have a devastating effect on close relationships. Sometimes depressed people blame themselves for their pain, sometimes they blame their partners. It’s baffling and shocking to see them turn into cold and blaming strangers. After years of affection and intimacy, how can they suddenly declare that they don’t feel love, even worse, that theyContinue reading “Depression”

Effexor XR Black Box WARNING

Before we talk about the romance killer, lets look at what Effexor XR is and what impacts and risks come with using this medication. What is Effexor? Venlafaxine, an antidepressant medication that works in the brain to treat major depressive disorder. WHAT IS MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER? Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss ofContinue reading “Effexor XR Black Box WARNING”

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