When to involve friends and family

Breakup’s are complex and difficult without this in the mix. Most supporting partners don’t make it this far and choose to save themselves however a small percentage are willing to try , This is a very brave and selfless act from a weak and venerable position. This partner is grieving too, so often it is too hard to reach out and explain that Effexor XR was present in the break up and what that could mean.

It is not to be seen as ”clinging for hope” this is something that only a loving partner would do if their ex has cut all contact.

This is when they need to reach out to doctors, therapists, friends and family with evidence and facts about the situation.

Sadly it is a gamble as a lot of family and friends want to take the easier route and support the healing process of the break-up for their ex partner. Distracting, helping them cope and drilling in relationship chat won’t end well later and we suggest expressing to friends and family that your EX needs real help.

Helping friends and family who are in touch with your ex and helping them understand the situation is not as simple as it sounds, this can be frustrating and very painful. Friends and Family may exclude you from the discussions, causing more pain to your bond.

The bittersweet ordeal of being a support partner who decided to persevere is courageous and selfless.

This is actually more painful for them to do and if you’ve had a partner ask for help, listen to them and understand why they are asking, take it seriously because Effexor XR does have a 90% relationship breakdown and it may be the reason the relationship broke.

In this case, we encourage friends and family to work with the support partner or ex partner. We understand it is a difficult task because friends and family want to support their loved one through a break-up, but truely this could be deepening the users pain for life and may not be truely what they would feel/think or do without Effexor which is almost 100% of the cases we’ve reviewed.

Effexor XR users appear just like you and I – Your child, your sibling or friend will seem ”fine” Don’t be fooled by the words, rather the actions of the individual and try to prevent encouraging any damaging behaviour such as disconnection from their ex partner or hurtful actions. Please do not offer your friend/ sibling alcohol or drugs when using the drug.. This is a complex and different situation to typical break-ups.

Generally when major life changes such as a long-term break-up occurs , Its a sign that the side effects and other deep rooted internal issues need to be addressed for users with the possibility to get off the drug.

Friends and family need to be strong and ensure this is now addressed professionally.

Remember this individual is on medication for a reason, ask how long this has been going on and find out about the users mental health struggles.

It is important to trust their long term spouse and take their requests very seriously as you support your loved one or friend in this process. Take the attention off the break-up and get them help as quickly as possible.

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